Attila Szentirmai PhD, DSc (1930-2019)

Levente Karaffa PhD, Dr.-habil, DSc
Professor, Head of Department
Theoretical Building, floor 4, Room 402
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 56640
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 56640

Erzsébet Fekete PhD, Dr.-habil
Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Theoretical Building, floor 4, Room 402
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 56640
E-mail: kicsizsoka@yahoo.com

Ákos Péter Molnár PhD
Senior Lecturer
Theoretical Building, floor 4, Room 418
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 54591
E-mail: molnar.akos@science.unideb.hu

Norbert Ág PhD
Senior Lecturer
Theoretical Building, floor 4, Room 418
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 54013
E-mail: ag.norbert@science.unideb.hu

Michel Flipphi PhD
Assistant Lecturer
Chemistry Building, Room D-7
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 23180

Alexandra Márton PhD
Senior Lecturer
Chemistry Building, Pilot Plant, Room B-25/2
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 62488

Vivien Bíró
Assistant Lecturer
Chemistry Building, Pilot Plant, Room B-25/2
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 62488
E-mail: biro.vivien@science.unideb.hu
Csilla Daróczi
PhD Student
Chemistry Building, Room D-7
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 23180
E-mail: daroczi.csilla95@gmail.com

István Bakondi-Kovács
PhD Student
E-mail: kowy63@gmail.com

Zoltán Fekete
Department Engineer
Chemistry Building, Pilot Plant, Room B-25/2
Phone: +36-52-512-900 Ext. 62488
E-mail: fekete.zoltan@science.unideb.hu